Unity In-apps Integration Guide

IOS Guide(Appstore)

Android Guide(Google play)

  1. Open Window->General->Services

  2. Then enable In-App Purchasing service

  3. Enable and import in-app purchasing.

  4. Go to Plugins/UnityPurchasing folder and double click on each .unitypackage files

  5. Click Import

  6. After 2 secodns in Unity IAP Installer window click Install now

  7. Restart Unity

  8. If you got any errors which you can’t clear like this Try to disable and enable Unity ads and In-apps services again and it should gone.

  9. To test In-apps you need to publish your game in the store. For Google Play to go Google Play Developer Console. You can publish at least like alpha version.

  10. Add products to your game. You will have list like that. How to add products.

  11. Put your Google API key from your Google Play Developer Console

  12. if the in-apps doens work try to delete these folders and reimport

Troubleshooting In-apps:

Check the UDPInstall folder and import unitypackages from there.

Test in-apps: 1. Start the game in Unity and purchase something, if everything ok means Unity IAP work fine and nothing wrong in code.

Test in-apps on device:

2. To test in-apps use alpha release for Google Play and Testflight for the Appstore.

If the purchasing don’t work on the device, don’t panic, try to get logs from the device and contact us. Sometimes in-apps don’t work out of box. The cause can be in Unity version or particular patch verstion, Unity IAP version, store platform changes or updates, sometimes they can work wrong with each other.

Last updated