Localization setup

List of supported languages by Unity

  1. Copy file from SweetSugar/Resources/Localization/English.txt

  2. Rename the copied file into a language you wish to translate

  3. Translate the content of the file keeping the line numbers, I have created the Russian.txt as an example

  4. You can find your new font here or on another site. Make sure your font supports desired language. Then copy it into SweetSugar/Fonts

  5. Go to Window TextMeshPro->Font asset creator

  6. Select your font

  7. In Character Set select Unicode Range (Hex)

  8. Check the Unicode table to find your language here

  9. In the site, for example, I selected Cyrillic characters

  10. Set the range into Character Sequence (Hex) of the Font Asset Creator. (don’t copy it from the site to avoid wrong symbols, just type it)

  11. Press Generate Font Altas and Save it into the project, use a different name than font name

  12. In the Project window select SweetSugar/TextMesh Pro/Resources/TMP Settings

  13. Add your created Font Asset in Fallback Font Assets list

  14. To test the language in Unity go to menu Sweet Sugar/Debug settings, select Test language

  15. You can add your text in the English.txt file, but don’t change indexes. Only text. If you wish to add your new line - add it to the end of the file with a new index